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NASA Discover Anunnaki Planet: A Hoax or a Truth

NASA Discover Anunnaki Planet: A Hoax or a Truth

Created by :- Admin

Date :- 04-03-2024

NASA, or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is the US government agency that is responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. NASA was established in 1958, and since then, it has achieved many remarkable feats, such as landing humans on the Moon, sending probes to explore the planets and the asteroids, launching telescopes to observe the stars and the galaxies, and developing technologies to improve life on Earth. NASA is one of the most respected and trusted sources of scientific information and discovery in the world. 

However, NASA has also been the subject of many rumors and conspiracy theories, some of which are harmless and amusing, while others are dangerous and misleading. One of the most recent and persistent rumors is that NASA has discovered a planet that is inhabited by an ancient alien race called the Anunnaki. This rumor has been spreading on the internet and social media, especially on Facebook and YouTube, where various videos and posts claim to have evidence and proof of this discovery. Some of these videos and posts have millions of views and shares, and many people believe them to be true. 

But what is the truth behind this rumor? Is NASA really hiding a secret planet that is home to an alien civilization? Or is this just another hoax that is meant to deceive and confuse the public? In this blog post, we will examine the origin, the content, and the credibility of this rumor, and we will try to separate the facts from the fiction.

What is the Origin of the Rumor?

The origin of the rumor can be traced back to a book called The 12th Planet, written by Zecharia Sitchin in 1976. Sitchin was a Russian-born American author and self-proclaimed scholar of ancient languages and history. In his book, he claimed that he had deciphered the ancient Sumerian texts, and that he had found evidence of a hidden planet in our solar system, which he called Nibiru. He also claimed that this planet was the home of the Anunnaki, a race of extraterrestrial beings who created and enslaved humans in ancient times. He based his claims on his own interpretation and translation of the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, as well as his own speculation and imagination. 

Sitchin’s book was widely criticized and rejected by the mainstream scholars and experts, who pointed out the many errors and flaws in his methodology and arguments. They argued that Sitchin had no academic credentials or qualifications to study the ancient languages and cultures, and that he had distorted and fabricated the evidence to fit his own agenda and beliefs. They also argued that there was no scientific or astronomical proof of the existence of Nibiru or the Anunnaki, and that Sitchin’s theory was based on pseudoscience and mythology. 

However, Sitchin’s book was also widely popular and influential among the alternative and fringe groups and individuals, who embraced and promoted his theory as a revelation and a truth. They believed that Sitchin had uncovered a hidden and suppressed history of humanity, and that he had exposed a conspiracy and a cover-up by the authorities and the elites. They also believed that Nibiru and the Anunnaki were real and relevant, and that they had a role and a purpose in the present and the future of humanity. They also believed that NASA and other space agencies were aware of and involved in this conspiracy and cover-up, and that they had the evidence and the proof of Nibiru and the Anunnaki, but they refused to disclose and share it with the public.

What is the Content of the Rumor?

The content of the rumor varies and evolves depending on the source and the medium, but the main and common elements are as follows:

  • NASA has discovered a planet that is orbiting the Sun in a highly elliptical and inclined orbit, beyond the orbit of Pluto. This planet is called Nibiru, or Planet X, or Planet 9, or Hercolubus, or Wormwood, or Nemesis, or Tyche, or Eris, or Sedna, or any other name that the rumor-mongers choose to use. This planet is about 10 times the mass and 4 times the size of Earth, and it has a period of about 3,600 years. This planet is also inhabited by the Anunnaki, an ancient alien race that is related to the gods and the giants of the ancient myths and legends. 
  • NASA has been tracking and observing this planet for decades, using its advanced telescopes and satellites, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, the Kepler Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the WISE Space Telescope, the SOHO Spacecraft, and the Voyager Spacecraft. NASA has also sent probes and missions to explore and study this planet, such as the New Horizons Mission, the Dawn Mission, the Cassini Mission, and the Juno Mission. NASA has also prepared a simulation that shows the orbit and the movement of this planet, and how it affects the orbits and the positions of the other planets in the solar system. 
  • NASA has been hiding and concealing this discovery from the public, because it knows that this planet poses a great threat and a danger to the Earth and humanity. NASA also knows that this planet is the cause and the source of many natural disasters and calamities that have occurred and will occur on Earth, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods, storms, fires, droughts, famines, plagues, wars, and revolutions. NASA also knows that this planet is the sign and the signal of the end of the world and the beginning of a new era, as predicted and prophesied by many ancient and modern cultures and religions, such as the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Mayans, the Hopis, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Christians, the Muslims, the Jews, the Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the New Age. 
  • NASA has been secretly and covertly communicating and collaborating with the Anunnaki, who are the true rulers and masters of the Earth and humanity. NASA has also been serving and obeying the Anunnaki, who are the creators and the manipulators of the human race. NASA has also been preparing and facilitating the return and the arrival of the Anunnaki, who are the saviors and the destroyers of the human civilization. NASA has also been deceiving and betraying the public, who are the slaves and the victims of the Anunnaki. 

What is the Credibility of the Rumor?

The credibility of the rumor is zero. There is no scientific or factual basis or evidence for any of the claims or allegations that the rumor makes. There is no proof or confirmation of the existence or the discovery of Nibiru or the Anunnaki, or of any contact or communication between NASA and the Anunnaki. There is no simulation or video that shows the orbit or the movement of Nibiru, or its effects on the solar system. There is no prediction or prophecy that foretells the end of the world or the arrival of the Anunnaki, or that matches the description or the timeline of the rumor. There is no conspiracy or cover-up by NASA or any other space agency, or by any authority or elite, to hide or suppress the truth about Nibiru or the Anunnaki. 

The rumor is based on the false and misleading claims of Zecharia Sitchin, who was not a credible or qualified source of information or knowledge. The rumor is also based on the distorted and fabricated interpretations of the ancient texts and cultures, which were not related or relevant to Nibiru or the Anunnaki. The rumor is also based on the pseudoscientific and mythological theories and speculations, which were not supported or verified by any data or logic. The rumor is also based on the sensationalist and manipulative media and propaganda, which were not objective or trustworthy. 

The rumor is a hoax that is meant to deceive and confuse the public, and to exploit and manipulate their emotions and desires. The rumor is also a hoax that is meant to serve and benefit the interests and agendas of the rumor-mongers, who are either delusional or dishonest. The rumor is also a hoax that is meant to harm and undermine the reputation and the credibility of NASA and other space agencies, who are doing legitimate and valuable scientific research and exploration. The rumor is also a hoax that is meant to distract and divert the attention and the resources of the public and the society, who are facing real and urgent problems and issues.


NASA is the US government agency that is responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research. NASA is one of the most respected and trusted sources of scientific information and discovery in the world.

However, NASA has also been the subject of a rumor that claims that it has discovered a planet that is inhabited by an ancient alien race called the Anunnaki.